2nd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Intergroup Office and on Zoom. Meeting ID: 876 1377 6813 Password: 306885
At the bookie meeting there is a speaker exchange for groups to be able to bring in outside speakers. More information here.
HOTLINE: 413-443-0212
Hotline Volunteers return calls received by our 24 hour answering service to people looking for help with a their drinking problem. For more information about providing this valuable service contact berkshireaaintergroup@gmail.com Subject: 12 Step Volunteers. Or call 413 443 2382.
Group Changes
Please send an email for any meeting changes or new information, including changes to in-person, hybrid or virtual meetings and status updates, to Berkshireaaintergroup@gmail.com
The Berkshire Intergroup
Through the generosity of the area groups Berkshire Intergroup is able to provide the following services to its A.A. groups in Area 31 Alcoholics Anonymous:
Coordinate AA activities among its various groups and to help weaker groups in any way possible.
Maintain 24 hour AA telephone coverage.
Publish regularly updated schedules of group meetings in the area.
Provide a program which will promote regular visits between groups, as well as a monthly business meeting for all Intergroup Representatives of Berkshire County A.A. groups of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Provide an inventory of AA Literature for the convenience of local groups and committees in an office which also serves as a communication and information center.
Have events for the fellowship of Berkshire County AA such as the annual Berkshire Intergroup Christmas & New Years Alcathons.
Cooperate with the Western Mass Intergroup, Area 31 Service Committee as well as the Berkshire Institutions Committee.
We are open Monday-Friday
1:30 - 4:00 pm
Please call before dropping in: 413-448-2382
Online/In-Person Meetings
Click here for Online/In-Person Meetings
Intergroup News
Intergroup meets 2nd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 876 1377 6813
Password: 306885
Bookie Meeting
is at 6:30pm 2nd Monday of every month in the same Zoom room.
Ways to Contribute to AA
We are now accepting contributions via PayPal!
You can also send your contributions to the following...
Berkshire Intergroup
152 North St Suite 30C
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Western Mass Area Committee
PO Box 6818
Holyoke, MA 01042
Western Mass Institutions Committee
PO Box 1391
Holyoke, MA 01041
General Service Board
P.O. Box 2407
James A. Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407
You can view the literature that we have available here or by going to the 'Literature' menu link above or by clicking one of the links below.
If you have any meeting/group changes please click here for the Group Change Form
Find a meeting anywhere here.

AA Big Book Online
Read from the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book
Current News and Events
Western Mass Area 31 Concepts Meeting
Western Mass Area 31 Concepts Meeting
1st Thursday every month 7:30 PM
868 1280 7456
District #3 Traditions Meeting
District #3 Traditions Meeting
2nd Saturday every month 10:00 AM
842 7414 8976
Berkshire County Bookie Meeting
Berkshire County Bookie Meeting
2nd Monday every month 6:30 PM
876 1377 6813
Berkshire Intergroup Monthly Meeting
Berkshire Intergroup Monthly Meeting
2nd Monday every month 7:00 PM
876 1377 6813
Berkshire Institutions Committee Meeting
Berkshire Institutions Committee Meeting
2nd Thursday every month 8:30 PM
815 4091 3682